My Memory Book

Chapter 2

By: Reid Erdwien

Chapter 1     Chapter 2     Chapter 3
Chapter 4     Chapter 5     Chapter 6
Chapter 7     Chapter 8     Chapter 9
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     I went to Amanda Arnold Elementary school, it was pretty hardcore. In kindergarten, I started off with Mrs. Fulton as my teacher. She was pretty cool, one time she brought pineapple to class. I don’t really remember my 1st grade teacher much, her name was Mrs. Emley. All I remember is one of the student teachers calling me out on lip-syncing in music class. I just didn’t like singing, so I didn’t participate. I had the same teacher for second and third grade, so those two years kind of blend together. Second and third grade I had Mrs. Kinsinger. Because of having the same teacher two years running, those years just kind of blend together in my mind. One of the years I remember we raised chicks, which was legit. Those kind of things are awesome.
     Fourth through sixth grade I had Mrs. Tuttle, Mr. Wasmuth and Mr. Walters respectively. I was bored most of the time during those years, it was all busy work. We had a few cool projects though. At the holiday season, in fifth grade, we hosted a craft sale in the cafeteria. The idea was that each fifth grader would create a product that they would sell to the other classes that came through. I made scarfs, hats, and rice-bags. In case you don’t know, a rice-bag in a sealed of bag made of fleece that contains rice. You heat up the bag, and it provides a lasting heat for use against a headache or similar affliction. I didn’t sell many, because the kids were more interested in the candy, but hey, what are you going to do? In sixth grade we did an egg drop challenge. The device containing the egg would be dropped from the roof of the building and the goal was to have the egg not break. Most people just used bubble wrap and foam to try to lessen the impact, and I felt mine was one of the most creative. I wrapped the egg in a container that had jello in it. Although it did not do the best of the contraptions, it didn’t do that badly.
     Middle school was a good time for me. I got along with everybody for the most part. It was the first time in my schooling that I had really felt challenged. I was on the purple team for both my seventh and eighth grade year. The advanced classes I took challenged me much more than my classes in elementary school. I took both Advanced Language Arts and Algebra, which were suitable classes for me. My favorite teacher would have to be Mr. Shaner. I’ve had him as my math teacher for two years now, and I feel he has been an excellent teacher. Also, I have a liking for math, which contributes to my liking of Mr. Shaner’s class. As for my least favorite teacher, no one really comes to mind. I’ve had teachers that are definitely not my favorite, but were still good teachers. I think I’ve been relatively lucky with the teachers that were selected to teach me. I don’t an idea for a single great event that I will always remember. All I can think of is getting off-task in Mrs. Pickler’s class and Mr. Shaner’s class.